I traveled to Cape Cod this past weekend to capture some of the beaches, that come summer, are normally busy with people but during the cold months of the winter in New England, become desolate, raw and for the most part infrequently visited.

This series of photos were all taken at Race Point Beach, near Provincetown Massachusetts. As with any short trip like this you are at the mercy of the weather and what you have been served up on the day. Well on this day I was rather fortunate that the conditions were perfect for what I had in mind, even if it was a little on the cold side.

I had long wanted to add some stormy coastal photos to my portfolio of New England and the foreboding cloud filled sky above Race Point Beach gave me just what I was after. With the sun to my back and low in the sky it gave me the illumination for the scene as well as adding in drama to the clouds as they zipped quickly over head.

Thanks for stopping by to view these photos. For more landscape photographs from New England and beyond please click here.
Roberto | New England architectural, interior and landscape photographer
These are excellent, Bob!