Images taken at ground level are great and can go a long way to showcasing a new construction project or real estate development. Sometimes, though, having a bird’s eye view can help put things into perspective, especially in the context of a crowded city scene or one where the local area itself attributes a great deal of value and benefits associated to the location of the property. That is where getting out above it all and having aerial photography of your Boston or New England project can make it stand out above the crowd.

I have shot a number of projects from the air space over the city of Boston and work with my clients to advise on the best times of day regarding light direction and conditions for any shoot. Aerial captures are limited to flying conditions and therefore usually happen during the warmer months of the year, which is when the city is more alive and picturesque and so a better time to shoot for anyway.

Working hand in hand with another local business on the flying aspect of the shoot, I can be up in the air and over the city in the helicopter even at short notice, but it can be advisable to wait for the clear blue skies if we are aiming for a great, evenly sunlit image.

Unlike ground capture images which are tripod based and involve multiple captures to be edited to one final photo, aerial photography images are captured as individual shots due to the constant motion associated with flying. That is not to say that the results won’t be spectacular, but does mean that waiting that extra day or two for those clear blue skies can be worth it. All final chosen images receive a final round of editing to bring out the best detail possible.

All Boston aerial photography shoots produce a gallery of between 50-100 preview images of the target location and vary based on the flight time chosen. Sometimes being up another 15 minutes can pay dividends, as we get you a selection of both wider city images and some closer building oriented shots.
I like to talk though and get a clear vision of what the client is looking for before heading up to the Boston skies. With this information, I can then work closely with the pilot in advance to create a flight plan. This means that once I am up in the air and have the local area and specific building located, I can get the images and angles that we have discussed quickly and efficiently without compromising on quality. Having a close working relationship with the a seasoned pilot that understands the needs of an aerial photographer as well as the plan of the city means that we can communicate easily and efficiently in the air, and ensure that your project is captured as comprehensively and accurately as you need. Normally aerial shoots would be reserved for larger scale projects, but can be just as beneficial for some that have a more limited scope as well.

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch to talk through your project and to see if aerial coverage might bring some extra perspectives and increase the potential selling and marketing power of your investment.
Look forward to speaking with you soon and hearing about the exciting projects that you have planned or completed.